Puppies in arms
Harlequin Puppy ready to go home
Melody and bigger Puppies
Melody with "Wonder Woman" and "Galaxy"
Great Danes hogging the bed
Who's walking who? "Wagner" and "Hamlet"
take themselves for a walk around the block
Hi Tracy,
I took new photos and will continue to try for clearer shots.
It seems to work best right when I wake them up.
Took them around the corner to pottie and they walked all the way doing this (2 blocks).
Then, I got Tiff out with the camera.
But, by then, "Wagner" was ready for play and couldn't focus.
Plus by the neighbors were gathering to watch and all focus was lost.
Have a look at them and tell me what you think.
Good times.

Harlequins "Jake" and "Greta" love to snooze with their Dad

"Hannah" and her new Family

"Hannah" the beautiful!
Hi Tracy and Burt,
"Hannah" (aka "Audrey"), our black and white Great Dane, is doing just perfect.
We picked her up from you just two weeks ago and we feel as if she has always been a part of the family.
She absolutely loves it here and we just adore her.
She gets along perfectly with our other dog, "Yoda" and after a couple of days home, our cat smartly accepted her!
Of course, she just loves everybody and wants nothing but attention.
We wish we could have a houseful of Danes now that we have one!
She is just so perfect!
We thank you so much for the opportunity to adopt a Gentle Giant.
I am sure we will be visiting you again soon.
And, of course, we will keep you updated on how our beautiful "Hannah" is doing with her new life.
The Garcia Family (Reno, NV)
"Hannah" and her toy
"Hannah" and the girls just hanging out
Must be love!
"Cleo" and "Bailey" check out the pool!
"Spanky" "Abby" Bev and "Tasha" take a break
Hi Tracy and Burt,
This is "Spanky" "Abby" "Tasha" and I after our morning walk.
Everyone is ready for a drink, cool down and breakfast.
Aren't the girls looking good? "Abby" has put on weight.
Both the girls are happy, loving and affectionate.
Thanks so much for all you do.
I look forward to seeing you and adding a new fawn to our family.
Love from Tucson,
Great Danes at Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions - Photos, Letters, and Stories - Page 3 of 9